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ToggleLast Updated: March 1, 2022
Special knives for dough are designed for cutting and curly cutting during the preparation of bakery and confectionery products. It is easy to use, they will cut the pastry or a biscuit in an instant. Baking is a difficult business. It requires art and skill. A very useful and necessary thing in the kitchen is a dough cutter. For cooking, for baking, for holidays.
Dough cutters appeared relatively recently, but they couldn’t do without them. If you cook often and at times use various mixtures of dough, you will understand the usefulness of this little helper. Bakers need to know about dough cutting for a more beautiful form of pies, pastries and cakes. For this purpose, there are several types of cutters.
Dough Stainless Steel Knife is your best life-time assistant in kitchen! Makes it easier to live without tired hand wrist. The multiuse design not only scrapes dough, but also cuts the dough into small pieces to help mix evenly. The convenient scraper feature allows you to scoop up excess flour or liquid in just one go! With the mirror polished surface and measuring scale, this dough cutter makes you easily to use at any time.
They differ in shapes, sizes, production materials, principle of operation and other characteristics. In order to be a real baker it is necessary to master each type of cutter separately. This cooking utensil has a very important mission: it can give the cake, pie, etc. an attractive shape and aesthetic stuffing. Therefore, choosing a dough cutter must take into consideration not only his functionality but also convenience in use and resistance to wear.
Before preparing dishes, the dough must be cut into portions or parts to get the intended product. To do this, you need knives for cutting the dough, which do not crush the lush and soft mass, but carefully divide it into pieces.
When cooking cakes, for example, you need to divide the dough into several parts. Cakes are usually made in special molds and require cutting the dough into portions so that they can be baked separately. In order to get such a result while cooking, it is worth using the best cutters. Their main task is to divide the dough into portions of approximately equal size.
You can always cut the dough with a knife, but this is not so convenient, especially if lots of pastry must be cut. To divide the dough into parts, you need an accurate and strong knife. And you can quickly spoil the dough with any dull knife. A dull knife simply cuts off or crushes part of the dough when it comes in contact with it.
You can find something like this in the kitchen of nearly every Roman or Italian cook. The dough is cut with smooth, swift sliding movements, and in a manner which causes each piece to come out of the dough without damaging it. Every novice makes the mistake of imitating with this tool the cutting motion used on bread.
A lot is lost for this lack of technique. Neither do you use a knife to spread butter on bread, nor would you split an orange with a ham- mer! When the pizza maker cuts dough, he pays attention to not cutting all the way through but only deep enough to divide it into portions equal in size, bearing in mind that these portions should be of sufficient size to allow for expansion during cooking.
Soft dough should not be cut like bread, moving the blade back and forth, imitating the work of a saw, but cut with a quick one motion. A special knife for the correct cutting of the dough looks like an ax without a handle. The blade is wide and high and the handle is located at the top of the tool. Many professional bakers recommend an amateur baker to learn the correct way of cutting dough.
Scraper Cutters are cutting instruments designed specifically for the preparation of soft doughs. Most often they have an “L” shaped blade, others have a half circular shape. A few types are straight, like a regular knife, but with the special edge. The name comes from the historical use. Scraper Cutters seem to have been first produced in England (they were first produced in Germany around 1000 AD).
A high blade is needed to cut through a large piece without unnecessary movements that can crush tender and already risen dough. The edge remains flat and smooth. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the blade – it must be firm, moderately thick, not bend from light pressure, sharp edge and versatile.
The best material is stainless steel. Plastic knives can be considered for soft dough. Plastic blades are thicker and less sharp, making cutting small and thin pieces harder for them to handle. And one more thing – a cut from a plastic blade will be thicker than from a steel one.
For those who love precision, there are cutters with a ruler on the cutting edge. Convenient when making cookies, noodles, when you want to get products of the same size.
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a kitchen without a roller knife. They are useful for cooking, decorating and baking. Roller knives are designed differently and work differently. There are numerous cutting discs for different purposes, wavy roller cutters for potatoes or dough, which can turn out not only wavy strips or circles, but also flowers and animals from dough.
Roller knives have a number of options available – there are different sizes and shapes of blades, wheels, and discs. And each option has its own set of advantages in particular. Roller knives are common in pastry shops because they allow you to make intricate cuts with greater convenience than by using conventional knives.
Various tools for forming the classic to nontraditional forms have been developed over the years. Classic forms include scrolls, coils, rosettes, and strips. Nontraditional shapes include flowers, fruits, animals, and abstract objects. For a variety of projects — both traditional and nontraditional — these dough-rolling patterns are easy to create with roller knives.
The discs are sharpened along the edge, which allows you to quickly and easily cut the dough or divide it into pieces. But the edge is not always even, there are often curly edges that create an original cut – waves, frills, petals.
Roller knives, in contrast to the cutters described above, are designed for cutting thinly rolled dough, including shortcrust, puff, honey. They are suitable for cookies, cake layers, noodles.
Someone thinks that all the kitchen gadgets were invented by lazy people, but if you look more closely, it becomes clear that there were some creative people here! To make the baking not only tasty, but also beautiful, use various curly knives for dough in your work – there are many of them for various tasks and culinary fantasies. It is not only to be cool, but also practical and easy!
Curly knives are designed specifically for this kind of work – they help to perform several actions that make the process of pastry preparation more convenient and end with its final form that looks more fascinating. Rounded knives allow you to carry out several movements at once that will save a lot of time and energy, which is especially important if you’ve just had a hard day at work.
The most popular are disc rollers with a curved edge that create a wavy cut. In this line there are confectionery shaped dough cutters for the quick formation of cookies, gingerbread and other dough products without shapes. It is enough to walk a toothed roller over the layer to get a lot of smooth and neat cookies quickly and easily.
The mesh knife is a tool with a wide working roller that turns the formation into a mesh. You need to walk along the layer and stretch it. No pieces remain during operation, as the knife cuts and spreads the dough, leaving no waste.
Baking pans cookies and gingerbread with a sharp cutting edge can also be attributed to curly knives. These are all kinds of hearts, flowers, houses, stars made of thin stainless steel or plastic.
When modern housewives find themselves in a complex situation, burdened with lots of household tasks and worn-out from running after kids, pets or husband, they need to come up with some functional tool that will solve all problems at once.
For modern housewives, they came up with functional tools that solve complex problems with one movement of the hand. Baking is a creative and multi-faceted process. It’s a joy to do oven baking, but to get the most fun in the kitchen, it’s important to use kitchen utensils that are convenient.
Rings of the same size with smooth and neat edges are needed for ravioli, biscuits and other products. Previously, they were cut out in a glass, but now they are made using a special roller dough knife. Ravioli is famous Italian dish, a kind of dumplings stuffed with various stuffing – meat and vegetables, cheese or fruit. Ravioli is a little difficult process: you need to make neat rings with the help of roller dough knife.
The working part of the roller can be with smooth and serrated edges. The teeth create a beautiful curly cut. As a result, ravioli have an interesting edge, and if these are cookies, then you don’t need to think about decorating boring mugs.
For quick preparation of beautiful and even noodles of the same width, there are special roller knives, but with several blades located in parallel. The cook only needs to thinly roll out a layer of dough and walk over it with rollers.
The stripes are not only suitable for noodles. You can decorate the tops of a cake or cookie, braid or bake strips, and then make crumbs out of them, if your recipe calls for it.
Cooking pies and pastries is a very difficult process, but if you have special tools that you can cook as beautiful as the professionals. When you start your work with the dough, it is important to have a clean and sharp blade, as well as to use it correctly.
This will save you the extra burden of baking and stuffing the dough when cooking various pies. It turns out that knives are needed not only for cutting, but also for joining the edges. With the help of a special device, it is convenient to cook pies, ravioli, as well as cookies with jam inside.
The dough joining knife cuts two layers at the same time and connects them to each other, forming a single edge. At the same time, the seam is more beautiful, thinner and softer.
The croissant device looks unusual. It is a cylindrical cutter with angled blades. The cutter cuts the layer into even and equal-sized triangles, in which it remains to place the filling and wrap it.
There is practically no waste, only the edges. In the middle, all the triangles are next to each other. It can be used for cookies or gingerbread, if you dream up, then it is easy to make Christmas trees, decorating with icing.
Knives for dough work as an integral part of the modern baker’s workshop and are used in homemade bakery, household and catering industry. For this special knives may be widely used in the manufacture of cakes, cookies, pastries, french pastries, pizzas and other products.
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